Get to know JEramy
My name is Jeramy Young, a husband, father, and Police Chief with over 30 years of experience in public safety. I live in the City of Hughson, where my wife and I are raising our two children. With great pride, I announce my candidacy for the California State Senate, District 4.
After three decades of public service, I look forward to serving my community in a new way. I will represent our district in Sacramento as an advocate and champion. With a long history of leadership and service, I will use these skills to navigate the complex environment in Sacramento to achieve results. Like my neighbors throughout Senate District 4, I know that we cannot afford to continue down the path of lawlessness, mismanaged fire danger, excessive regulation, out-of-control spending, misaligned priorities, poor policy, and escalating cost of living. We deserve better.
I promise to lead as a common sense conservative who will represent mountain towns and valley communities that have long been ignored. With over 30 years of experience in public safety and law enforcement, I will be the voice for our first responders and the communities they serve. Business owners and families can count on me to support law enforcement and common sense legislation that keeps our kids and streets safe. I will make sure our firefighters have the funding they need and that we place a high priority on fire prevention and response.
During my time as Mayor of the City of Hughson, I worked tirelessly with our city council to pass balanced budgets and make necessary improvements to the city’s infrastructure. As Mayor, I served as the Chairman of the Stanislaus Council of Government and as a Board Member of the League of California Cities, working with local leaders and legislators across the state. I know how to get things done, working with leaders across the aisle and throughout the valley.
As a life long resident of the central valley, I know the importance of agriculture and will fight to protect this critical asset. We must improve water storage and create a plan that provides necessary water to farmers who produce our food.
I will stand strong for family values and work to make sure the government does not infringe on the rights of parents. Parents are best suited to make their children's education and healthcare decisions.
I look forward to the campaign ahead and the opportunity to serve the residents of Senate District 4. I will serve our community with respect and integrity and will never forget that I work for you!
Thank you,
Jeramy Young